Apple Consulting and Managed Services


Hourly Rate

Onsite support is $190/hr, with a 2-hour minimum. Additional work is billed in 30-minute increments. Clients who sign up for a Support Plan will receive a discounted Onsite support rate of $165/hr.

Remote Support is $190/hr, with a 30-minute minimum charge and 15-minute increments.


If travel time is more than 30 minutes one-way, our fee includes the time required to reach your location. If on-site work lasts 3 hours or more then travel time is waved.

Remote Support

Remote Support is our preferred way to service your needs. We use a system that allows us to make changes to your computer in the background, without bothering you. For the most part, a lot of fixes can be accomplished this way. If it can’t, we’ll log in and take over your screen when it’s a good time for you.

Emergency Support

If you have an emergency situation, we will try our best to respond quickly.  Emergency support is defined as any work outside of normal business hours (9-5 M-F) and is billed at 2x the rate.

If you’re in a serious pickle and we’re unavailable, we’ll do our best to relay your issues to another consultant we trust.